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The paper examines the resistance to the effect of cavitation of glass-ceramics based on basalt. Two types of samples were investigated: cast and sintered samples based on basalt.The cavitation erosion test was performed using the ultrasonic vibratory method with a stationary sample. To measure the cavitation resistance, a change in sample mass in function of the cavitation time was monitored. The change in the morphology of the surface with the test time was followed by scanning electron microscopy. The level of the surface degradation of the samples was quantified using the image analysis. Samples were tested under the same conditions. A comparison of the properties of the resistance to the effect of cavitation was performed in relation to the calculated cavitation rates. The results showed the high degree of cavitation resistance of the tested samples and the possibility of their application in conditions of high cavitation loads.
Key words: Basalt; Cavitation damage; Cavitation resistance; Mass loss; Image analysis
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